+44 (0) 1638 716001
ISO 14001:2015 – Witton’s ISO-14001-Certificate
We respect the environment and have an integrated management system that complies with the requirements of ISO 14001
Our Environmental Policy is to:
- Assess the impact of our processes and operations on the environment and seek to reduce the impacts to the lowest practicable level
- Protect the environment
- Comply with all legislation and regulations governing our activities
- Discuss openly with our customers, employees, suppliers and the local community how we carry out this policy
- Monitor our performance and seek to improve continually
To achieve these objectives we will:
- Work with every member of the company to ensure that they understand and share the goals and are committed to achieving them
- Provide training and resources when required to enable staff to achieve the goals
- Maintain an efficient, documented management system as a tool for operating safely and effectively in an environmentally responsible manner
- Learn from others what constitutes good practice and disseminate good practice
- Only introduce new products, processes and operations when we are confident that they will not compromise our objective of carrying out this policy
We also have a Quality Policy and a Health and Safety Policy